ChemEd 2013 workshops

At ChemEd 2013, 500 chemistry educators from around the world gathered together at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo ON and shared their ideas and teaching successes. Here are a few photos that capture some of the fun and learning at the conference —hands-on learning at its best.

Penny Sconzo with a cup full of dye and a pipette with colourful dyes on T-shirt.A T-shirt bundled up with elastics and adding orange dye with a pipette. Yellow, green and blue have already been added to the T-shirt.A ChemEd attendee holding up a tie-dyed purple and blue scarves.A ChemEd attendee using a pipette to add dye to a T-shirt in a lab setting.A large group of ChemEd attendees with brightly coloured goggles in front of a fume hood in a lab setting. (Sharon Geyer's session, with Sharon in the front row in a white lab coat).Bob Worley with a group of teachers standing around observing him do a demonstration at ChemEd 2013.Kathleen Holley holding a large white tube as part of a ChemEd demonstration.Faye Twiddy in a white lab coat with goggles behind a large flame.Doug De La Matter demonstrating how Mentos can cause soda pop to shoot out of a 2-L bottle.A flame tornado demonstration in a round wire cylinder.Andy Cherkas showing a solution with a red layer on top and a green layer on the bottom in a test tube.Penny Sconzo explaining her demonstration to Natalie Miller.