Famous visitors

Celebrating the 80s - 50th Celebration of Chem 13 News

To try and get my classes to appreciate the contributions made by famous scientists to their field, I suggest that they invite several scientists (living or dead!) to address them, and the replies which they may like to add to the list.

Of course, Heisenberg didn’t know whether he would be able to be in the right place;​

Archimedes couldn’t find dis place;

Hertz, on the other hand, frequently attends — he’s on the crest of a wave;

Newton is treating the matter with some gravity:  he may ring;

However, Schrödinger waved his right to attend, as has Huyghens, but he may shed some light on the matter;

Napier made no bones about his attendance, while Watson and Crick recoiled from the idea;

Watt seemed to be getting steamed up, and Torricelli appeared to be vacant about the whole thing;

Harvey would circulate well, but Lister’s conversation is a bit sterile;

Pauli would not be allowed in, on principle, although there should be no constraints on Le Chatelier’s attendance, but Ohm is resisting all attempts to persuade him to come;

It isn’t really Oersted’s field; I guess he won’t come, and Pascal is feeling the pressure;

Celsius is blowing hot and cold, and Snell is reflecting on whether to come;

Boltzmann would look radiant, but Siemens usually conducts himself badly;

Incidentally, I can transmit the information that Beer and Lambert usually absorb a lot of liquid;

Kelvin will have absolutely nothing to do with it, and we can all see through Roentgen’s ploy;

How extraordinary!  Ray Nicol has been found guilty and sent to prism;

Gilbert would be angling to get at the dips at the party, while Van de Graaf can be charged a lot, despite his gamma leg;

De fraction of time taken for them to scatter from the lecture is nothing for them to Bragg about.

(Thanks to J.S. Pearson, Department of Textile Industries, The Polytechnic, Queensgate, Huddersfield, UK).

Chem 13 News        January 1984