Rotary Peace Scholarship Award

As a humanitarian organization, peace is a cornerstone of the mission for Rotarians around the world. Rotarians believe when people work to create peace in their communities, that change can have a global effect. By carrying out service projects and supporting peace fellowships and scholarships, members can take action to address the underlying causes of conflict, including poverty, discrimination, ethnic tension, lack of access to education, and unequal distribution of resources.

In 2023, District 7080 Governor Kathi Dick spearheaded a fundraising drive to raise $30,000 to support three students in the MPACS program. By early 2024, more than 40 clubs joined this effort to pledge support for peace by assisting in covering education expenses. This is an amazing commitment by Rotarians to concretely support values of peacebuilding around the world.

Learn more about Rotary International's commitment to promoting peace

The Award's Purpose

The Rotary Peace Scholarship attracts and supports top graduate students from Canada and internationally whose research program is focused broadly on the questions of peace, in the fields of global political economy, global environmental governance, human rights and global justice, conflict and security, global social governance, civil society, multilateral institutions and diplomacy.

About the award and eligibility

This award supports the training of graduate students and community leaders originating from areas of conflict, with priority given to international students.

Students who are giving leadership in the area of conflict management in their home community and who are committed to working in the area of peace and conflict transformation after graduation will be invited to apply after they have been offered admission to the MPACS program.

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