Four health-focused projects from Management Science and Engineering awarded funding by the Graham Seed Fund.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Graham Seed Fund (GSF) at the University of Waterloo funds research projects focused on innovative healthcare solutions tackling global challenges. The fund aims to foster interdisciplinary collaborations between researchers and healthcare providers, emphasizing real-world impact through collaboration with local hospitals and Ontario Health Team.  

In the latest round of funding, four of the eight funded proposals come from the Management Science and Engineering department, demonstrating the strong department focus and expertise in healthcare innovation. Below are the four recipient projects and their team leads: 

Good data housekeeping: Building data strategies to make Canadian hospitals AI-ready 

Improving door-to-needle time in acute stroke at Grand River Hospital 

  • Prof. Fatma Gzara (Researcher) 

  • Grand River Hospital (Partner) 

Optimal operating room scheduling at the Cambridge Memorial Hospital 

Pre-surgical appointment scheduling 

  • Prof. Saeed Ghadimi (Researcher) 

  • St. Mary’s General Hospital (Partner) 

More information about the Graham Seed Funds and all eight funded projects can be found in the Daily Bulletin.