UWaterloo Science Outreach Workshop Requests

Our schedule is full for the remainder of the 2023-24 school year, but you are welcome to input your contact details and we will reach out when we start taking requests for next year (in September).

This form is for in-class or on-campus workshop requests for Grades 9-12 in the 2023-24 school year and should be completed by the class teacher. All of our workshops are free.

If you have questions, please refer to our website (Resources: secondary school) or contact Heather Neufeld (hneufeld@uwaterloo.ca or 519-888-4567 x31083).

Please input carefully, as this is our only way to contact you.
For schools outside of the K-W-Cambridge region, please email hneufeld@uwaterloo.ca to ensure we can visit you.
Grade of class
This can be an estimate if you are booking well in advance.
I would like the workshop to be held:
On Campus ONLY: Chem/Physics Lab Days, Observatory tour, Gairdner lecture, some ESM workshops
Workshop(s) of interest:
Please choose all that apply, and we can discuss with you the best option for your class, or for a campus visit we can create a full-day itinerary.
Campus Visit Options
If you plan to visit campus, which of the following might be of interest for your group, in addition to your chosen workshop(s)? (all subject to availability)
Day of the Week
Please choose as many as could work.
Please indicate the start time and duration of the class we would be visiting. If you are coming to campus, what time will your bus arrive?
We will be in contact with you soon to confirm details. If you have any further comments or concerns please feel free to leave them below.
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