295 Lajoie W20


From:    Jason Lajoie

    Debbie Nahlik

    Fw: ENGL 295 COVID-19 response    
Date:    April 3, 2020 12:24:22 PM    
Hello Deb,

Please find below the changes I sent to my ENGL295 class.



From: j2lajoie@uwaterloo.ca <j2lajoie@uwaterloo.ca>

Sent: March 13, 2020 5:24 PM

Subject: ENGL 295 COVID-19 response

Hello class,

Given the University's response to COVID-19 (which you can read more about here: https://uwaterloo.ca/coronavirus/), please find below the changes to our ENGL295 course:

Since the university is going on a one-week suspension, the last 2 classes will be removed from the syllabus accordingly (though you're more than welcome to review them anyway... The Black Mirror episode is particularly excellent).

Classes will now be pre-recorded video PowerPoint lectures published on LEARN at 1 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays, from Mar 24 to Apr 2.

Discussion prompts for class readings will continue to be posted on LEARN prior to classes.

The second round of participation grades will be based on in-class participation from Feb 25 to Mar 12, as well as online discussion board submissions for the last 4 classes (Mar 24 to Apr 2).

Group projects will continue, however you are encouraged to collaborate virtually. While not ideal, this constraint is actually useful practice for future employment, and would be an excellent experience to make note of, especially if you find yourself in a job interview and are asked if you have any experience with virtual collaborations. However, if you do not feel able to complete the group project at this point, please discuss this with your group and reach out to me ASAP so that we can work together to develop an alternate project--most likely another essay.

While all these precautions might provoke anxiety, the important thing to remember is that Canada is a low-risk country for COVID-19 infection, but this situation could change rapidly. You can keep up to date with news about Canada's response to the virus here: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/canadas-reponse.html. Try your best to keep calm and carry on, but if you feel stressed or overwhelmed by the situation, remember to reach out to any and all counseling and support services, as well as friends and family.

Best regards,

Dr. Jason Lajoie