Posts for the Topic Skill-up

Trial and error: finding your passion through co-op

Hannah Teetzel standing in front of Secretariat logo

Hannah Teetzel (she/her) is a fourth-year Math and Business Administration student. In her blog, Hannah discusses finding her passion through unique co-ops, learning from all her experiences and the importance of being there for one another in the workplace.

Hannah's co-op journey:

Finding passion in the workplace through physiotherapy

Claire Lemon at work on desk

Claire Lemon (she/her), a fourth-year Kinesiology student, shares her journey from being a co-op student herself to now supervising new co-op students, the importance of building connections in the workplace and always putting her patients’ comfort first.

A “cheat sheet” to Waterloo’s co-op resources

Illustration of a computer screen, with the text saying A CHEAT SHEET TO CEE's  WORK SEARCH  RESOURCES

I think we can agree that co-op is a wonderful opportunity that will provide you with life-

Creating content with Shraddha: behind-the-scenes

A photo of uwaterloo co-op student Shraddha Gourishetty smiling in front of illuminated architecture.

Shraddha Gourishetty (she/her), a second-year Environment student studying in the Geomatics program, gives us a look into her very first co-op term working in social media and shares how this experience has changed her perspective on content creation.

Providing support for students, faculty and staff on campus

University of Waterloo Arts co-op student, Maya Ghion, in front of a tree and smiling.

My name is Maya (she/her) and I am a third-year Social Development Studies co-op student with a minor in Peace and Conflict Studies. I have completed two work terms; I have worked for the University of Waterloo as an online learning assistant and at Renison University College as an academic programs assistant.

Research and community: welcome to the Ontario Health Team

University of Waterloo Health co-op student, Shelby McManus, sitting on a chair and looking at her laptop screen.

Hi there! My name is Shelby and I am a fourth-year co-op student in Health Studies. I am excited to share my experience working with the KW4 Ontario Health Team (OHT) and the useful skills I have gained along the way! 

Bringing an idea to life: engineering through co-op

University of Waterloo Engineering co-op student, Sarah Odinotski, smiling.

Sarah Odinotski (she/her), a fourth-year Nanotechnology Engineering student, shares her co-op journey working in research at Waterloo. She discusses the importance of networking and tells us about a biosensor device that she created during her last co-op term.

How WE Accelerate helped me land a co-op job

University of Waterloo Environment co-op student, Harshminder Sidhu, smiling outside.

Harshminder Sidhu (she/her), a 3B Planning student, shares her co-op experience as a Waterloo Experience (WE) Accelerate student in the D2L stream.

How do you feel WE Accelerate set you up for success in the search for your next job?

An E Co-op student’s home decor business venture

University of Waterloo Math and Business E co-op student, Madison Greenough, smiling, and an image of two wooden wall stands.

Madison Greenough, a fifth-year Math and Business double degree student, shares her transition from a traditional co-op to E co-op and what her experience has been like building her own business.

A software engineer’s code for co-op

University of Waterloo Software Engineering co-op student, Joseph Tafese, sitting on a chair and talking

Joseph Tafese, a fourth-year Software Engineering student, shares the various software development jobs he has done for his co-op, and how his coding has progressed through his co-op experiences!
