Work term management

Your journey toward maximizing a co-op's potential within your organization has just begun. We understand the importance of ensuring a fruitful and enriching work term for both your team and the student. To support you in this endeavor, we've crafted a suite of resources tailored specifically to facilitate a successful co-op experience.

Refresh your onboarding process

Discover the most effective tactics to engage new talent.

Manage a successful work term

Review our research-backed tips to manage a meaningful work term.

Supporting students remotely

Learn best practices for working remotely with co-op students.

Accessibility in the workplace

Learn how to be an accessible and inclusive employer.

Student performance evaluations

Establishing clear expectations and conducting evaluations play important roles when managing a co-op student. Explore our expert tips to guarantee a mutually beneficial co-op term for both you and your student, and learn how to seamlessly submit performance evaluations to track progress and provide valuable feedback.